Thursday, February 27, 2020

Write your own opinion Is there any relationships between dominant Essay

Write your own opinion Is there any relationships between dominant U.S. cultural patterns and global attitudes - Essay Example on towards the United States varies and explains differences in the relationship between elements of the nation’s dominant culture and attitude from other countries. In the year 2008, for example, South Koreans, Polish, and Tanzanians had the highest proportions of positive attitudes towards the United States respectively, while the Kenyans, South Koreans, and French citizens held the highest percentage of positive attitude towards the nation in the year 2009. Variation in countries with highest proportion of favourable attitudes towards the United States continued up to the year 2013. Attitudes that nations hold towards the United States also vary to suggest effects of changes in elements of the nation’s dominant culture on people’ attitudes. Percentage of populations with positive attitudes towards the United States, by countries, increased from the year 2008 up to the year the year 2010 before assuming a gradual decrease from the year 2011. The highest percent ages that favoured the United States show this (Pewglobal 1). Data on attitudes towards the United States shows that elements of the nation’s dominant culture varies to affect general attitudes across the globe and that the elements may be influencing specific variable interests in different nations to influence their attitudes towards the United

Monday, February 10, 2020

Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 - Essay Example The Poor Law Amendment of 1834 has been based upon three particular ideas that include Malthus' principles on population raise and resource decline, Ricardo's Iron Law of Wages and Bertham's doctrine on relaxation and perception over work1. These particular bases of the law's idealism leads towards a more important sense of clarity as to what the law was really for. However, since the law interests many critics as to how much applicable the law is in saving the welfare of the poor people in the society (Blaug 1964 p.122). The tests that were used to at least measure the different issues that are in consideration with the application of the law in the society to which it is practically made for includes the less eligibility and the workhouse test. (Boyer 1990p.55) From the measuring examination, the less eligibility test provided a result that only those who are really needy would be able to be considerably considerate on taking workhouse jobs. Believably, the process of inculcations about the major conditions of working in workhouses makes them less interesting even for the poor (Dakyns 2005 p. 49). The other test that has been done was that of the workhouse test. The workhouse test on the other hand gave out a different result pointing out that people who are poor enough move to areas that are ready to welcome them; areas where there seems to be more opportunities of employment. From these resu From these results, it could be found that the law could have been effective for implementation if the actual missions of its creation have been carried through (Lees 1998 p. 342). These missions or particular objectives could be noted as follows: To create a protective consideration on the values of the tax payers helping them to avoid the dilemma of paying too much in comparison to what they are actually making for a living. (Lees 1998 p. 341) To help the unemployed individuals in urban areas to be transferred to their rural origin to reduce scarcity of resources in the city. To ensure the level of consideration given to those who are to be transferred, creation of jobs [or better workhouses] in the rural areas is to be pursued. (Lees 1998 p. 341) These missions impose a larger scope of identity that makes a huge difference on the recognition of employment and acceptability in the human society. Basically, through this, the implication of better jobs and the creation of better work areas or workhouses could interest more to work both in the rural and the urban areas2. It is also through this mission that the inculcation of the role of the Parish groups in assisting individuals who have no jobs to be counselled and motivated to get jobs of their own has been addressed as an aggressive manner of propagating the belief that working is a must and that having a chance to feed one's self and one's family is more important than self praise or social recognition. True, the same as it was before, the human society of the past was less able to control the sense of recognizing the need to live than the need to be known; this has a same implicative effect in the society today. As the poor law amendment of 1834 was also noted for its attributes being based on utilitarianism, this law aims to provide the greater number of people the level of satisfaction and happiness that they deserve